A new year has arrived and therefore we also have the 2025 Organized Play Structure finalized.
I’m looking forward to a great year full of Thrones Tournaments around the globe (and Online) 🙂

The first Online Event (7K) will already start this week to kick off the year.
The first of three Game Night Kits is also on the finish line and there will be a seperate announcement in the next days. So stay tuned 😉
If you are covered in Snow and cant leave the House, there will also be the Winter Edition of Champions of Westeros and the next Friendly Open Season whenever there is nothing else happening (A Game of Thrones: The Card Game 2nd Edition // Online Tournaments // Friendly Open).
Afterwards we gonna start with Regionals and have another Edition of the famous World Cup tournament. Of course we will also crown an Online World Champion again, so be ready to fight for your Card Design 😉
The Date of Online Worlds will also be revealed soon, so all of you can keep that weekend free!
Afterwards you can play with your meta for the second Game Night Kit, Champions of Westeros will continue with the Spring and Summer season and there will also be more Friendly Open Seasons.
In the summer I hope we can have lots of National Championships around the globe and send the National Champions to Worlds in November!
For practice you can join your beloved faction, or finally try something completly new, in the 8 Regents Tournament Online.
To complete the year we have the third and final GNK, the final Seasons of FO and CoW and of course, the highlight of the year, the World Championship in the holy halls of Castle Stahleck 🙂
Thats it for now, I wish all of you the very best for 2025 and hope we gonna have a great year of Thrones, the only Game that matters <3