1.1K This is a top 4 match from the War of the Five Kings tournament from the FFG World Championships 2015 held in Roseville, MN. In this match we have Neil “The Real Deal” Kimball (Targaryen Fealty) vs. Sam Braatz (Martell Banner of the Rose). Sam Braatz deck list: http://thronesdb.com/decklist/view/658/sam-braatz-s-worlds-winner-1.0 Here is the link to TinyGrimes YouTube channel where you can check out Neil on the Summer is Coming video podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyGXHChyrL8tOKEwlQrq3bg Make sure you like, comment and subscribe for more videos!
Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition – Worlds 2015 Top 4 (Neil vs. Sam)
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